Rob's BIO

Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media.

Check out his platform at

He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites,

more detailed bio:

Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness and empowering them to take more control of their lives one person at a time was too slow, he founded which has been the top search result on Google for the terms liberal news and progressive opinion for several years. Rob began his Bottom-up Radio show, broadcast on WNJC 1360 AM to Metro Philly, also available on iTunes, covering the transition of our culture, business and world from predominantly Top-down (hierarchical, centralized, authoritarian, patriarchal, big) to bottom-up (egalitarian, local, interdependent, grassroots, archetypal feminine and small.) Recent long-term projects include a book, Bottom-up-- The Connection Revolution, debillionairizing the planet and the Psychopathy Defense and Optimization Project.

Rob Kall Wikipedia Page

Rob Kall's Bottom Up Radio Show: Over 400 podcasts are archived for downloading here, or can be accessed from iTunes. Or check out my Youtube Channel

Rob Kall/OpEdNews Bottom Up YouTube video channel

Rob was published regularly on the for several years.

Rob is, with the first media winner of the Pillar Award for supporting Whistleblowers and the first amendment.

To learn more about Rob and, check out A Voice For Truth - ROB KALL | OM Times Magazine and this article.

For Rob's work in non-political realms mostly before 2000, see his C.V.. and here's an article on the Storycon Summit Meeting he founded and organized for eight years.

Press coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table

Talk Nation Radio interview by David Swanson: Rob Kall on Bottom-Up Governance June, 2017

Here is a one hour radio interview where Rob was a guest- on Envision This, and here is the transcript..

To watch Rob having a lively conversation with John Conyers, then Chair of the House Judiciary committee, click here. Watch Rob speaking on Bottom up economics at the Occupy G8 Economic Summit, here.

Follow Rob on Twitter & Facebook.

His quotes are here

Rob's articles express his personal opinion, not the opinion of this website.

Join the conversation:

On facebook at Rob Kall's Bottom-up The Connection Revolution

and at Google Groups listserve Bottom-up Top-down conversation Future Health Bottom Up Mind Positive Experience
Opednews (OEN), ranked among the top 50-300 blogs by technorati, reaches 300-800,000 unique visitors a month with 1-2.7 million page views.

Mind Body Heart Spirit articles, information, products

There's a Bottom up revolution under way culturally and technologically.

A place to share positive experiences, heartwarmers and good memories
Bottom Up Radio/Podcasts FutureHealth Radio/Podcasts StoryCon Sphincter Police Positive Psychology
Podcasts on And On iTunes. Interviews, rants on progressive politics, activism, new media, bottom-up, top-down perspectives. Download podcasts free. Podcasts on And On iTunes. Interviews with leaders in mind body heart spirit longevity, peak performance, consciousness... topics. Download podcasts free.

Sharing of stories which will stimulate new ideas, new understandings, connections, creations and applications of the art and science of story in all aspects of life, art and healing.

Some people just want to control to much and too many.

Positivity, happiness response, anatomy of positive experience
Recent OpEdNews Podcasts Recent Political Articles Recent Mind/Body/Spirit Articles Media/Press

Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of American Healthcare, From Sep 12, 2021
Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of American Healthcare

Thom Hartmann is one of the smartest, wisest people I know, a true renaissance person. He’s the author of a new book, The Hidden History of American Healthcare

Joel Segal, Creating a National Progressive Coalition at the National Justice Roundtable, From Aug 29, 2021
Joel Segal, Creating a National Progressive Coalition at the National Justice Roundtable

There's a very exciting progressive coalition building zoom meeting happening, The National Justice Roundtable. Joel Segal has been on the forefront of the forefront on climate change, health care and civil rights.

Chuck Collins; , The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions, From May 6, 2021
Chuck Collins; , The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions

Chuck Collins is the director of the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies, and author of the new book, The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions, released the following statement: “Taxes have become almost optional for the super-rich. President Biden’s plan is a welcome first step in reversing wealth hidding and tax avoidance by billionaires and multi-millionaires.

Charles Eisenstein: The World Needs A New Story, From Apr 27, 2021
Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics: The World Needs A New Story

Charles Eisenstein is an author and speaker, known for his books The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible and Climate—A New Story Website: He offers a message and vision that we need a new story or stories.

Vincent James music evangelist and National Holiday Creator, From Apr 12, 2021
Vincent James music evangelist and National Holiday Creator

Vincent James has created a special day of the year and a week of the year—for music for kids. That got me thinking of how late congressman John Conyers created Martin Luther King day as a national holiday— an endeavor which took him years to accomplish. I explored with Vincent steps he’s taken to create such a day. Since I believe there are probably many other people who want to make special days for special reasons

Learning from the Indigenous Wisdom of Sitting Bull, with Four Arrows, From Apr 12, 2021
Learning from the Indigenous Wisdom of Sitting Bull, with Four Arrows

This interview will explore the Native American wisdom of Sitting Bull, based on the book, Sitting Bull’s Words, for a world in Crisis, by Wahinkpe Topa, AKA Four Arrows, AKA Don Trent Jacobs Ph.D., Ed.D.,

Reinventing Masculinity from Confined to Liberated, with Ed Frauenheim, From Mar 15, 2021
Reinventing Masculinity from Confined to Liberated

Ed Frauenheim is Co-author of the book, Reinventing Masculinity; The liberating Power of Compassion and Connection. He discusses the differences between Confined masculinity and liberating masculinity ideas essential to making a better future

Part 2: Carol S. Pearson; What Stories Are You Living; Discover your Archetypes—Transform your mind, From Mar 9, 2021
Carol S. Pearson; Understand the Stories you Live Your Life Through part 2

IN this second segment we talk about the Hero's Journey, about dimensions of archetypes, about how archetypes apply to politics, to authoritarianism, conservatism, narcissism and making change happen.

What Stories Are You Living; Discover your Archetypes—Transform Your Mind (part 1 of 2), From Mar 6, 2021
What Stories Are You Living; Discover your Archetypes—Transform Your Mind (part 1 of 2) Carol Pearson

The stories you tell yourself define your life and how you see and relate to the world. What stories are YOU living?

Cindy Watson; The art of Feminine, Bottom up Negotiation and Navigation of the Healthcare system, From Mar 4, 2021
Cindy Watson; The art of Feminine, Bottom up Negotiation and Navigation of the Healthcare system

Cindy Watson, Attorney social justice attorney for 30 years She’s on a mission to reframe ‘negotiation’: how we think of it and how we do it – moving away from the traditional competitive model to recognize the power of persuasion through ‘feminine’ traits to help leverage our innate power. She says negotiation is one of the most important skills

Thom Hartmann: Oligarchy; The Hidden History, From Feb 23, 2021
Thom Hartmann: Oligarchy; The Hidden History

Thom Hartmann discusses the hidden history, power, threat and dangers of Oligarchy and how to deal with oligarchy and oligarchs.

Religion's Sudden Decline: What's Causing it and What Comes Next, with Ronald Inglehart, From Jan 22, 2021
Religion’s Sudden Decline: What’s Causing it and What Comes Next, with Ronald Inglehart

Religion, throughout much of the world, is fading. That’s what author Ronald Inglehart’s book, Religion’s Sudden Decline: What’s Causing it and What Comes Next, tells us. Professor Inglehart has based his conclusions on a massive study—The World Values Survey, which tracks responses to people in 100 societies representing 90% of the world’s population. It’s a study that they’ve been doing the past forty years.

Defending the Capitol Rioters, With Radical Defense Attorney Paul Hetznecker, From Jan 22, 2021
Defending the Capitol Rioters, With Radical Defense Attorney Paul Hetznecker

Paul Hetznecker is a radical defense attorney who has defended hundreds of progressive protesters. I asked him how the right wing, white supremacists who invaded the Capitol would be treated in terms of legal defense.. He discussed the difference in the way police behave, as compared to dealing with progressives or BLM, and speculated on who will go to jail and who won't based on the charges that will be leveled against them

Interview with Watermelon Slim AKA Bill Homans, with two songs, From Jan 3, 2021
Interview with Watermelon Slim AKA Bill Homans, with two songs

I interview Watermelon Slime ( and he plays two songs: Corona Funk and Immortal. He's a bluesman Dobro slide guitar and harmonica player and singer, an activist, anti-war protester and writer for OpEdNews

Zoom Makeover: Maximizing your look and Zoom set-up, From Dec 28, 2020
Zoom Makeover: Maximizing your look and Zoom set-up

Shelly Golden is a Zoom makeover expert, certified color consultant, and certified color consultant. She talks about: Professional Screen presence Increasing engagement and rapport Improving camera angle, lighting and background Lighting tips. Colors to avoid, colors that work Zoom specific make-up improve your personal brand Biggest zoom mistakes, problems

Rental Secrets For Covid Times-- Justin Pogue, From Dec 28, 2020
Rental Secrets For Covid Times-- Justin Pogue

Justin Pogue is a former property manager and a real estate investor. He offers tips for people who are facing the end of the eviction moratorium and people who are renting who might be able to negotiate better deals given that millions of people are being evicted or leaving their apartments or rental homes.

A History of Narcissism and the 5 Varieties, From Dec 18, 2020
A History of Narcissism and the 5 Varieties

Gary Rosenthal is the author of the book, Re-Visioning Narcissism: Healing Heresies for Polarized Times. In this interview we focus on Why it's timely and necessary now to re-vision it. We start with the history of narcissism.

Cindy Perlin: Suppression of Alternative Medicine-- history & Under the Pandemic, From Dec 13, 2020
Cindy Perlin: Suppression of Alternative Medicine-- history & Under the Pandemic

Suppression of alternative medicine has a long history. We discuss that history, how it has been done and how it is being done down during the time of of Covid-19/Corona Virus.

Thom Hartmann, Gregg Palast & Jonathan Simon Update on Trump's & The Republican Vote Theft Attempt, From Nov 25, 2020
Thom Hartmann, Gregg Palast & Jonathan Simon Update on Trump's & The Republican Vote Theft Attempt

Thom Hartmann, Greg Palast and Jonathan Simon predicted that Trump and the Republicans would try to steal the presidency. We discuss how and provide an update on their efforts and how what they've done applies to the Georgia Run-offs, how a red shift indicates that the elections were rigged against the Democrats down-ticket and how what's been done by Trump will affect the 2024 presidential election.

Greg Palast: How Trump still stole the Senate Election; How he could still steal the presidency, From Nov 7, 2020
Greg Palast: How Trump still stole the Senate Election; How he could still steal the presidency

This is a short under 15 minute must listen interview Greg Palast deserves a lot of credit for helping Joe Biden to win the election. He discusses what worked, what didn't, how Trump Can still steal the election and what needs to be done to insure fair January Georgia Senate runoff elections.

Watch: Biden Stumbles Over His Words During Debate Against Trump | WSJ News President Biden stumbled and appeared to lose his train of thought as he discussed healthcare, while on the debate stage with ..., From YouTubeVideos
Not A Bad Night; An End to A Presidency

Biden says he had a bad night on his debate night. His defenders say Obama and Reagan had bad debate nights and went on to win. They didn't respond with the best answers, they might have been flustered for a moment. But they were intact. They were fully cognitively functioning. Biden did not have a bad night like them He demonstrated profound cognitive dysfunction that impaired him so much he was unable to debate.

Biden is 'mentally impaired' and 'not fit to be president' Sky News host Chris Smith says President Joe Biden is 'mentally impaired' and 'not fit to be president.' He says this is partially ..., From YouTubeVideos
Why Biden Won't Withdraw His Candidacy. It's Simple

The reason Joe Biden won't withdraw his candidacy is simple. If he acknowledges that he is no longer fit to run as a candidate and should step down, he also tacitly admits that he is no longer fit to be president and should step down. So he is fighting to hold on to a presidency which he no longer qualifies to hold.

'She's a generational change': Tim Ryan on why Kamala Harris should be the nominee Former Rep. Tim Ryan joins Morning Joe to discuss why he says it's time for President Biden to step aside and why he says VP ..., From YouTubeVideos
Biden's Double Step-down Reverberations and Sequellae

Biden will soon be off the ticket. He will soon, by the end of July, no longer by president, even with the gaslighting being done by the Whitehouse and Dem leaders. These will lead to a volcanic eruption of change.

Watch: Biden Stumbles Over His Words During Debate Against Trump | WSJ News President Biden stumbled and appeared to lose his train of thought as he discussed healthcare, while on the debate stage with ..., From YouTubeVideos
Biden Could Finish His Career As a Hero or a Jerk

If the good, hero Joe can actually surface enough to stand up to the people around him desperately grasping to hold on to his power, and he can actually resign, then he'll be a hero.

Watch: Biden Stumbles Over His Words During Debate Against Trump | WSJ News President Biden stumbled and appeared to lose his train of thought as he discussed healthcare, while on the debate stage with ..., From YouTubeVideos
Forget about Biden's past performance And How Bad Trump Is

The lying and dissembling media and Democratic politicians apologizing and defending Joe Biden are using three strategies. First, they point to how bad Trump. Then they say how great Joe Biden has been in the past. Neither of those matter now. Last, they point out how well he did the next day at a stump speech in SC. The problem is he was reading a teleprompter

2024 Presidential Debate Trump v Biden: Topic #4 is Foreign Policy - Fact Check Info Below  ??? President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, were set to face off Thursday evening for a debate that offered an ..., From YouTubeVideos
Debate Shows Biden Is Not Fit to Be President

The debate made it clear, Biden should no longer be president by September.

What Biden and Trump need to answer in their 1st presidential debate Thursday's debate offers both candidates a chance to change or reinforce perceptions. Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: ..., From YouTubeVideos
Pre-Debate Thoughts

Some thoughts pre-debate on cognitive functioning, drug testing and issues to cover.

Benyamin Netanyahu, painted portrait DDC_1558, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Netanyahu Is the WORST Person for Jews Since Hitler

There is no human being, since Hitler, who has been as bad for the Jewish people and Israel as Benjamin Netanyahu.

Does Trump's guilty verdict damage the justice system? Panelists Pam Bondi, Kash Patel and Vik Bajaj join 'Fox News @ Night' to analyze former President Trump being found guilty on ..., From YouTubeVideos
A Shameful Day in American History

House speaker. Mike Johnson says it was "a shameful day in American history." I agree.

Jen Psaki 2022., From WikimediaPhotos
Majority of CNN and MSNBC Talking Heads Are Shills, Sabotaging Democracy

They are part of a conspiracy to totally block the Democratic process in the Democratic presidential primary. If you don't want Biden, the least you can do, is when you vote in your primary, don't vote for him. Vote for no choice, or vote for another democratic candidate, or leave the presidential slot blank. Send a message similar to the one voters in Michigan sent. It is a strong way to send a message to Dem leaders

one of my favorite mosaics, From Uploaded
A New Passion-- Rock Mosaics

I've developed a real passion for my new hobby of making rock mosaics.

questions are more important than answers, From Uploaded
Questions! And Answers?

These are really crazy times-- the craziest in my life. So I thought it would help to ask some basic questions: What are the questions we need to be asking today? How did we get here. What is here? Wh

Elton John  Feat Dua Lipa - Bennie And The Jets at #EJAFOscars, From YouTubeVideos
Music: Elder Stars singing with New Generations of Singers

Here are some performances with newer artists performing with long-time hit singers with a long history. Some of these performances gave me chills or made tears well in my eyes

before my dental work. Embarrassing and ugly., From Uploaded
Going to Brazil for Dental Implants, Veneers, Crowns and Bone Grafts

This article details the costs of getting dental work in Brazil. It'll take time getting used to having teeth I can feel good about instead of teeth that embarrass me. The big gap between my two upper front teeth my whole life is gone. I've literally inhibited myself from smiling with a toothy smile, even though, since 1980, I've taught smile muscle anatomy and the power of smiling. I should have done this decades ago.

Incredible verdant vistas as far as the eye can see, From Uploaded
Update; Rob's Verdant Brazil Experience

Wow. It's been a while since I wrote a Brazil article and it seems like a lifetime has gone by.

A party bus and dancing in the street. People would jump off the bus, dance in the street and then jump back on the bus., From Uploaded
Brazil-- Food, Dogs, Dancing in the Streets and Dental Work

'm learning about life in Brazil. The average income here is about R$1200 a month-- not even $75 a week.

Just one or two hundred years ago, let alone 2000 years ago, people in their 40s and 50s were already old., From PixabayPhotos
Some Wisdom On Me Turning 70

Turning 70 today, I remember more and more often advice from my author friend Jim Donovan on how to stay young.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things - Official Trailer The Map of Tiny Perfect Things tells the story of quick-witted teen Mark, contentedly living the same day in an endless loop whose world is turned upside-down ..., From YouTubeVideos
Movie Review: The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

I love movies that touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes with touching scenes. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things delivers on both accounts.It's no accident it was released on Valentines day, since it's a sweet, touching romance story with an almost unique twist, and it expands on what may be the start of a new genre. It's a take-off on the classic movie, Groundhogs Day

Federal investigators looking for person who marked 'TRUMP' on Florida manatee's back Federal investigators are looking for the person who marked the word .TRUMP. on the back of a Florida manatee., From YouTubeVideos
Manatee Discovered With Word Trump Scraped on Its Back: How To Punish the Perpetrator

A large manatee was discovered with the word Trump scraped on it. What should the punishment be for such a despicable crime?

OEN Zoom session, From Uploaded
A Special OEN Zoom Session with Singing and Dobro by Watermelon Slim

We've been doing OEN Zoom sessions since March and they're always a pleasure, with great company and conversation. This one, two weeks ago, including some extraordinary music-- singing and dobro playing by OEN regular, Bill Homans, also known as Watermelon Slim. His first song is Corona Funk.


2 Links

1) It's The Empire, Stupid: Phil Farruggio

Rob Kall interviewed

2) David Swanson: Talk Nation Radio; Pacifica

Rob Kall on Bottom-Up Governance 29 minutes



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